įrom the beginning of the platform, the channels that have held the title of 'Most Subscribed' have represented YouTube as a platform for independent content creators. PewDiePie then held that title until the Jio Effect caused an upsurge of Indian users on YouTube, which then caused T-Series to start gaining an unprecedented number of subscribers a day. He took the spot from previous top channel Smosh on Aug 15 2013, but lost to YouTube Spotlight in November of the same year and did not fully gain the title of 'Most Subscribed YouTube Channel' until December. On Dec 13 2013, PewDiePie became the most subscribed YouTube channel after a brief battle over the spot with YouTube Spotlight. T-Series eventually won the title of 'Most Subscribed YouTube Channel.'
The feud was widely reported by both YouTubers and mainstream media, but has drawn criticism for the methods that PewDiePie's supporters used to try and gain the lead as well as the association of the phrase 'subscribe to PewDiePie' with neo-Nazi ideology.
It's also the origin of the 'subscribe to PewDiePie' meme. T-Series is the name for the battle between the Swedish YouTuber PewDiePie and the Indian Bollywood company T-Series for the title of 'Most Subscribed YouTube Channel,' a title that PewDiePie held uncontested for six years until T-Series started gaining subscribers.